Feb. 13, 2006 :: "Doctah, doctah, gimme a cure."

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Feb. 13, 2006 :: Doctah, doctah, gimme a cure.
This is going around, I've already filled out like two of these, and now it's your turn. http://kevan.org/johari?view=Alex:Blu

I'm getting pretty pissed with everything crashing one me. My iPod crashed, my fucking hosting stopped working, the keys on my keyboard are starting to fall off, and now my tablet has stopped functioning. And all I can say is 'what the fuck.' I've never had such problems with computer crap before, and it's not like I'm throwing my stuff against a wall or downloading virus-infested porn.


I think AIDs could cure a lot of our world's problems: starvation, overpopulation, even racism. I'm not being too serious, of course.

Or am I?

The Diary-X server I normally host these comics on crashed a few days ago, as some of you may have noticed. I'm doing my best to transfer everything to a new working host. I think I've got everything, but if I missed something, I'll fix it soon.

what I rocked out to today: