Jun. 02, 2006 :: "which is 'x' and which is 'o'"

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Jun. 02, 2006 :: which is 'x' and which is 'o'
Diaryland's been sending me emails telling my account's about to be expired and that I need to give them money to keep it.

Frankly, they can suck it, because there's several things wrong with the account, and they've been nice enough to not reply to any of my tech support emails.

It's been a month since I've actually committed to a painting I worked on, and really, I don't know why this painting came out the way it did, because I don't feel the way I painted; I just wish I did.

I'm sick of this shit called 'summer' already. Last year, summer went rather well, and maybe I was expecting more of the same this year. I've been sadly disappointed.

I can't find work, I've got nowhere to go, no one to talk to, and all the while I'm stuck at home with my mom and brother like a worthless bum.

People I had previously regarded as close friends have turned cold on me, and I've found that I probably care more than I should.

I'm stressed, I don't sleep, and my hormones are raging. I wish I could just have a 'time-out'.


what I rocked out to today: